The Vision
Growing Leaders, Ministers, and Pastors

To assist Pastors and ministries in experiencing measurable growth
in significant areas in ministry:

  •  Leadership development
  •  Budgeting and Finance
  •  Fundraising
  •  Media and Music
  •  Marketing
  •  Marriage and Family
  •  Christian Education
  •  Building High Impact Teams
Membership Benefits

Think Tank

A body of experts providing advice and ideas on
specific political or economic problems


  •  Coaching and Accountability
  • Leadership Development


  •  Budgeting
  •  Fundraising
  •  Financial Feasibility
  •  Asset Allocation
  •  Legacy Planning


  •  American Bible University
     Christian Education
  • Family, Marriage, Children
    Ministerial Training and Development
  • Understanding International Missions and Ministry
  • Youth Ministry Building


  • Digital Marketing and Strategies
  • Media Training and Development

 High Impact Teams

  •  Community Relationship Building
  •  Outreach Programs


  •  Perfecting Worship Experiences
  •  International Choir
Core Values

*Word Based Ministry 
*Soul Winning
*Spirit of Excellence in Christians Service
*Leadership Competency
*Training and Development 
*Kingdom Wealth
*Continuous Growth  

Kingdom Building

Power of Faith Worldwide Assemblies, Inc.  Is opened to Pastors, Ministers,

and Ministries all walks of life, a Global Diversity

Approach that maintains your churches

autonomy while becoming apart of a Kingdom minded and

focused fellowship, Fulfilling

The "Great Commission" 

"To go ye into all the world making disciples of every nation."

Our Model
The Church of Acts 7 Areas of Restoration




Meeting Needs

Praising God 


Church Growth